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CIRCLE OF LIFE™ Plant Spotlight

Here are just a few of the top-performing varieties you'll find in the CIRCLE OF LIFE program...these already-superior plants are made even better when they're grown using sustainable methods! Look for these great varieties in compostable pots at your nearest CIRCLE OF LIFE retailer. High-resolution photos of these plants are available...just call or email your request.

Serena® Series Angelonia

A. angustifolia

This terrific new, more compact angelonia series is just right for garden beds and landscapes. The well-branched, super-floriferous plants provide great, heat-loving performance in your choice of 4 colors (Lavender, Lavender Pink, Purple and White) and a Mixture. Serena angelonia grows 10 to 12 in. (25 to 30 cm) tall and spreads 12 to 14 in. (30 to 35 cm). This carefree, continuous bloomer is perfect for hot & humid or hot & dry areas and should be planted in full sun.

Kong® Series Coleus

C. x hybridus

Kong coleus features HUGE leaves (up to 8 in. across or even more!) and unique color patterns. Sure to get attention in any garden, Kong plants grow 18 to 22 in. (45 to 60 cm) tall, forming a luscious, leafy display in large containers or landscapes. Kong coleus may also be used as an indoor houseplant in bright artificial light conditions. Plant Kong varieties in full to partial shade and pinch off flower spikes for best results. This series includes 5 eye-catching varieties: Green, Red, Rose (shown here), Scarlet and Mosaic.

Fusion™ Series Exotic Impatiens

I. interspecific

Weird, wacky and wonderful, the truly unique Fusion series delivers distinctive colors and an intriguing flower form that are sure to get attention! Giving eye-popping impact to patio planters, combination plantings, hanging baskets and garden beds, Fusion impatiens grow up to 12 in. (30 cm) tall and spread up to 15 in. (30 cm). They grow best if planted in areas that receive morning sun and afternoon shade. The mounded, well-branched plants hold their flowers well above the foliage for a striking color show. Five one-of-a-kind colors are available: Glow (shown here, a rare yellow color for the shade!), Heat (cherry pink with yellow centers), Infrared (dark pink with creamy yellow centers), Radiance (peach with darker peach center) and Sunset (clean apricot color). Fertilize monthly and keep plants well-watered.

Black Pearl Ornamental Pepper

Capsicum annuum

This new, award-winning selection is the first black-leafed ornamental pepper on the market and a unique, ideal choice for mixed or mono containers. Black Pearl ornamental pepper is an All-America Selections Winner, a testament to its outstanding garden performance. The bushy, upright and well-branched plants display foliage that is greenish when young and matures to glossy black with high light and heat. Black Pearl offers rounded, shiny black fruit that matures to dark red and is very hot to the taste. This variety performs well in heat, humidity and drought, growing 14 to 18 in. (35 to 45 cm) tall and spreading 12 to 16 in. (30 to 40 cm). Black Pearl may grow even taller in warmer areas with longer growing seasons! Plant in full sun.


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Home Gardener Benefits

CIRCLE OF LIFE plants provide the perfect start to an eco-friendly garden. Home gardeners can expect excellent quality and terrific performance from varieties in the CIRCLE OF LIFE program.

Better Growth

Plants thrive in the favorable environment created by CIRCLE OF LIFE growing methods. A healthy plant is naturally more tolerant to stress from temperature, diseases or pests.

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